Keeping Active Kids Healthy

Jan 09, 2024

As the back-to-school season approaches, parents are not only focused on academics but also on the health and well-being of their children. It’s crucial to ensure that kids stay active, eat well, and have the right gear to support their active lifestyles. Here, we'll explore some essential tips for keeping active kids healthy at school, including the importance of appropriate footwear like Ascent.

A nutritious diet is the foundation for all kids. While the general dietary guidelines provide suitable advice for most children who participate in general physical activity, it’s even more important for children who are involved in high level sport to meet the nutritional requirements associated with undertaking daily training and competition while ensuring they have a diet that caters to the added demands of their growth and development and to fuel their brain for school. To build a smart meal, look for incorporating all elements of a performance plate. This entails:

  • Carbohydrate to Fuel: The main energy source to fuel your muscles and brain. Allows you to hit top gear and work harder for longer. Assists in recovery and reduces risk of injury. Helps you make quick and smart decisions and avoid brain farts at school! Choose wholegrain, high fibre unprocessed carbohydrates.
  • Protein to Build and Repair: The building blocks of optimal growth, protein helps develop muscle and bone strength and functionality. Protein assists in muscle recovery and repair after strenuous activity and to support healthy growing. Helps you keep full and manage appetite. Best eaten especially after training and competition but also spread evenly across the day.
  • Colourful Fruit and Vegetables: Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, a colourful and varied diet supports your immune system. It’s the fertiliser for your good gut bacteria and helps junior athletes minimise illness and injury so they can train harder and recover faster. Healthy Fats for Protection: Anti-inflammatory agents, healthy unsaturated fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds and extra virgin olive oil help calm down hard worked muscles and support recovery and repair. Healthy fats improve mental focus and brain function and assists in absorption of key nutrients.

Don’t forget to add smart snacks in-between meals as top-ups and aim to eat at a minimum every 3-4 hours to ensure you don’t get overly hangry and to optimise your concentration.

Proper hydration is often overlooked but is crucial for children's energy levels and overall health and functionality. Provide a reusable water bottle and encourage regular water breaks throughout the school day. Water should be the main fluid of choice and checking your urine colour is a great indicator of hydration status. Dark urine (apple juice colour) is a sign you may be dehydrated and need to drink more. Urine the colour of home-made lemonade is a sign you are hydrating properly and clear urine is a sign you may not be absorbing all the fluids you are drinking so we may need to consider pairing with a meal or adding electrolytes under supervision. Check your urine with the colour chart below. Healthy wee is 1-3, 4-8 you must hydrate!

Physical activity during school hours is essential. Ensure that your child's school offers adequate recess time and encourages outdoor play to increase movement after long periods of classroom sitting. Physical activity not only helps kids stay healthy but also improves concentration and focus and reduces the risk of chronic diseases in later life. It has widespread effects across social, emotional, intellectual and health benefits The current activity guidelines for children are to aim to do a minimum of 60 minutes each day of moderate to vigorous physical activity that increases heart rate. This can be accrued in shorter increments over the day. At least 3 days per week, children should incorporate challenging activities that strengthen muscle and bone development as well as coordination and functionality. Light physical activity is also encouraged where possible such as active school travel opportunities and organised sport in or outside of school is a great way to find something your child enjoys participating in.

After a long day at school, kids need downtime to relax and recharge and quality sleep for optimal growth, memory consolidation and physical recovery. Encourage activities away from screens that reduce stress and promote well-being, such as reading, art, or simply spending time with family and friends. Opting for helping with cooking or running a warm bath, dimming the lights or playing relaxing music at home helps to regulate the day and prepare for a restful sleep routine.

A key element in keeping active kids healthy is providing them with the right footwear. The school day often involves walking, running, and participating in physical education classes. Ascent Footwear offers a great fit for active children. Here's why:

  • Support and Comfort: Ascent Footwear is designed to provide excellent arch support and cushioning. This is crucial for active kids who spend long hours on their feet.
  • Durability: Ascent shoes are built to last, even in the most active situations. They can withstand the rigours of school life and play.
  • Proper Fit: With different styles, including those with adjustable straps and laces, Ascent ensures a proper fit for growing feet, which is vital for comfort and foot health.
  • Stability: Ascent shoes offer stability and grip, reducing the risk of slips and falls during physical activities.

By choosing Ascent Footwear for your active child, you're not only investing in their comfort but also in their overall health and well-being.

Lastly, maintaining active kids health requires a team effort. Involve the entire family in adopting a healthy lifestyle. Encourage outdoor activities, family walks, and nutritious meals at home where the kids can get involved in cooking and choosing what they eat enables a sense of autonomy, respect and builds trust in a family environment.

Keeping active kids healthy at school is a multifaceted approach that combines nutrition, physical activity, relaxation, and proper footwear. Ascent Footwear's commitment to foot health and comfort makes it an ideal choice for parents looking to ensure their children have the best start to their school year. Invest in your child's health, and they'll be ready to conquer the school day with confidence and energy.


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